Glory Bea

Glory Bea

With much sadness we announce the passing of our beloved Glory Bea. She fought a tremendous battle. She was brought out of a puppy mill in Missouri a month ago very ill with pyometra …a horrible infection of her uterus. Then she fought off pneamonia. Just when we thought she was rallying we noticed swelling of her abdomen and breathing changes. This week she started to fail. We wanted to say thank you to Dr. Caeley Melmed from The MedVet Specialty Hospital in Grapevine and their incredible staff. They were able to help us yesterday and help us get a diagnosis. BOTH her heart and liver were failing. With that information we felt it was in her best interest to let her cross the bridge. We find peace knowing she did not die in that puppy mill. She was loved.

Hey bulldogs people it’s me, Glory Bea! Bet you didn’t know this about me, Glory Bea, but I have been hiding.  Yep, that’s right I have been laying low and for good reason.  There was a huge chance I was having babies because where I lived everyone had babies, all the time.  Babies here, babies there, babies everywhere. I had every paw crossed, hoping and praying I was not having anymore babies. The line was long to find out who was getting on the freedom train and who was staying. And then they called my number. I held my breath. Please, please. please let Glory Bea get to leave and get on that freedom train.  And just like magic I was lifted up and I found freedom. That’s right, me,  Glory Bea was all aboard, facing forward, not looking back,  not looking anywhere but straight ahead as the trip south meant I had found my freedom.  I arrived in the middle of the night and walked around on grass. It felt like freedom.  Yep, who would have thought a simple thing like grass was freedom?  But for me Glory Bea, it was freedom. Headed to the vet now, getting some medical things done, and the next stop for me, Glory Bea, is finding a family to just love me.