Simba (now Joe)

Simba (now Joe)

The world lost a great Bulldog, and the Rainbow Bridge has gained a wonderful one. Big Joe went into distress and was rushed to the vet where he passed in the middle of the night. Our thoughts go out to his wonderful parents Renea and Dave in their time of loss. Run free big boy!

Simba (now Joe) has been adopted! From his new forever parents: Like most of you, we were very touched by Simba’s story. The fact that his loving family selflessly gave him up rather than put him at risk with a flight halfway across the world in a cold cargo hold, to be followed by month after month in solitary quarantine is the ultimate act of love. I cannot imagine how hard that sacrifice must have been. The fact that this price was paid by one of our valiant Marine families should not come as a surprise.

As someone that grew up this same way, and has seen firsthand the sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make, it simply reinforces what I’ve always known: that military service and duty is something that is borne by entire families, including the children that grew up with Simba as their big, beautiful brother.

I’d like to tell you that we adopted Simba in honor of their selflessness, because it’s true. I’d like to tell you that we adopted Simba because we didn’t want him to go through more than one life upheaval, because it’s true. I’d like to tell you that we adopted Simba determined to share as many or as few pictures and updates of him as his Marine family wants, because it’s true. I must also confess that we adopted Simba because it was love at first sight, as that too is true.

This sweet, loveable and gentle boy will live his life with us and our girls. He will serve as a great role model to the countless fosters still to come, many of whom need to be shown the ropes of what it means to be a happy, well-balanced bullie. I know that Simba will prove to be a loving and nurturing foster brother for so many more beautiful bulldogs.

I am a Bulldog and my dad is a Marine. So that makes me a Marine Bulldog, and all good Marines learn to follow orders. My dad received new orders for him and my family to transfer to Japan. They knew it was dangerous for me to fly half way around the world. They also knew I would be quarantined for five long months of solitary confinement. That is no life for a Marine. So with many tears, my family surrendered me today. I hear they need some brave Marines around this place to get things in shipshape. I will miss my old family, but we must do what we have to do to serve our country. If that means I have to find a new family, I am ready to do my part. Semper Fi, Dad! Thank you for serving our country and for giving me an awesome home for three years.

My name is Simba; I am 3 years old, weigh a sleek 85 pounds, love kids and dogs of all ages, and I am reporting for duty!