

Meet Popi! Your first impression of Popi you might think he was fat, Popi would like you to think of him as “big boned and thick!” Popi tips the scales at 78lbs, and every ounce of him is pure bulldog love. Popi has been living in a family with 3 kids and a couple small dogs, Popi loved the kids, but was not so crazy about the little dogs in the family. Popi is wanting someone to just love him, bigger dogs are ok, but he does not do well with smaller ones. Popi is housebroken, does not chew on furniture, and is crate trained, however, getting him into a crate does require pushing and pulling! Popi does bark and howl and moan when left crated. Popi is a bulldog that will take every step around the house that you take. He does not like to be seperated from his family, all he is asking for is a family to love him and take great care of him. Popi is stubborn like a bulldog can be at times. He prefers to be out the door first and in the door first, and will run over anything that gets in his way. Popi is 2 years old, current on shots and on HW preventive. If you consider adding Popi to your family he will give you years of devotion and love. His adoption fee is $550.