

Little Miss Muffin left the clinic on Tuesday and was adopted on Thursday! Her new mom and dad took off a half-day of work Monday and drove from Burleson to Sulphur Springs just to meet her. Needless to say, Muffin had them immediately wrapped around her paw.

Her new dad missed the big day because he had to travel to Houston for his company today to check on their damaged equipment. But that just meant she could focus all her energy on mom. I think we should have named her Tigger, because she was bouncing all over the place—so happy to see her mom again. Her mom has wanted a Bulldog for years. Today a dream came true for her and for Miss Muffin. We wish them many years of happiness together!

Please welcome Miss Muffin to Lone Star Bulldog Club Rescue! She writes: My name is Miss Muffin. I wish I knew my story; I wish I had something to tell.  When my family said I was moving, I thought they meant I was moving to Beverly… Beverly Hills, movie stars, swimming pools. I thought I was moving to California. But I was wrong. On the highway, they took a right instead of a left, and I ended up at the shelter. Nice place… lots of dogs, some cats, and me. Wait, surely not me? I had done nothing wrong. My body says I had some babies; my heart says I loved my babies. But guess what? My family left me.

But looking back, that is fine with me. I went into the shelter office and I sat in the fancy chair belonging to a man named Mr. Mark. I licked his computer monitor to clean it for him. I pulled out a lot of toys and found a bunch of stuff of Mr. Mark’s that I thought he wanted me to have. I thought, “Well, there are Bulldog pictures all over this office, so I must be safe now.”

I was in the process of washing my face in the water bowl when a lady walked in and said, “I am here for that great big beautiful Bulldog gal” and I instantly knew she was talking about me. I am that great big beautiful gal! I scrambled around Mr. Mark’s office to get myself ready. I was looking for my stuff…. but then I realized there was nothing left with me. Just me… just Miss Muffin. Well, I guess I travel light now, so after a few goodbyes, I was off. Thank you, Mr. Mark. This rescue group is exactly where I wanted to be! I am going to find a family that will love me forever and take care of me.